Musing About Failure

The other night I found myself talking with a couple of colleagues about a topic that catches my attention a lot lately: how we deal with failure. We were gathered around a tiny table at a local [...]

The Scrum Values

The Scrum values are: Courage Focus Commitment Openness, and Respect To refresh my thinking on this topic, I recently turned to the Oxford English Dictionary. Courage originally referred to [...]


The notion of collaborative and partnership-oriented work models in organizations is not new.  But, in some organizations and slices of industries, collaboration has become the dominant model—and [...]

Agile Hot and Heavy

One of the hottest buzz words in many organizations right now is “agile.”  We hear about “the agile methodology” and “agile methods.”  We hear about scrum, XP, and—far less often—crystal.  And we [...]

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