The last couple of weeks, the topic of the value and risk of certifying professional practices and knowledge has been haunting me. Perhaps this is because this coming Saturday I’m supposed to be [...]
A great deal has been written about the importance of lifelong learning. I remember in high school one of our instructors telling my class that ours would be the first generation for which [...]
When I refer to integrity, I have something very simple and very specific in mind. Integrity, as I will use the term, requires three steps: (1) discerning what is right and what is wrong; (2) [...]
Over the last couple of years, courage has become more and more interesting to me. I have come to understand that people move to compassion more easily than they move to courage. I see a [...]
There are not many great bosses. Personally, since I know the origins of the term “boss,” I usually prefer the term “supervisor.” But, today, my task is to talk about one of my great bosses [...]
The notion of “holding people accountable” has long been amusing and confounding to me. How can anyone “hold” anyone else accountable? Our accountabilities accrue to us naturally—some merely as [...]
In business—and in the knowledge creation fields, especially—we are under pressure to learn and adapt our mental models and practices to new information and knowledge rapidly and frequently. [...]
Like so many of you, I often work in organizations that are in a state of change and have been for some time. This state of constant change can be exhausting or exhilarating, but it is often [...]
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