I was thinking about the issue of trust—it’s nature, the breaking of it, and the rebuilding of it—the other day. The occasion was likely my daily listening to the morning news. It’s amazing how [...]
I have been writing, speaking, and teaching about collaboration for over ten years now. However, one of the most interesting and crystallizing moments I have experienced in relation to [...]
All kinds of amazing things seem to drop into my email inbox. Lately, there’s been a flood of collaboration topics. One that left me with a bit of a sardonic smile stated boldly that agile’s [...]
A few years ago I was asked a startling question. “Do you really enjoy going into environments where people aren’t getting along, things aren’t going well, turning things around and [...]
Recently, I sat across the table from someone who is taking on a really tough leadership challenge. He’s confronting entrenched conflict in the organization he cares so much about. I listened [...]
I’ve been doing a lot of reading and writing about leadership history and models lately. And, for a long time now, I’ve been coaching and listening to people who are in positions of nominal [...]
I have a colleague who beats the drum that, “We do not do project management. We do project leadership.” I tend to agree with him. Though I do think there is an element of management to what [...]
It’s part of the human perceptual framework that we make assumptions. There’s a lot of data coming in, and we can’t catalog and analyze each piece without losing our minds or seeming to impact [...]
I was raised in a proud, warlike, clannish family. As I realized when my grandmother was dying, and it became my mission to get the entire family to come home to see her, we are a proud, [...]
Double-loop learning is built into many agile processes, most notably Scrum, and is also the objective of the lessons learned process prescribed by the Project Management Institute Project [...]